 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of a computer based warehousing information system

Design and implementation of a computer based warehousing information system

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon Divinefavour  

 Project ID: 3197
   Rating:  (5.0) votes: 1
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The purpose of this study is to computerize the warehousing information system (A case study of NPA– Lagos) and to develop a computer package, whereby the techniques observed from the manual method can be improved upon.  It is a known fact that the manual method of warehousing information systems has been associated with lots of inaccuracies in the warehousing information system.  This has led to some set back that has cost some obstruction on some parts, when in service. The software will facilitate and enhance the more and methods of warehousing information system which enables accuracy and also saves time when services are rendered. There is no intention here, to treat modules separately, hence the entire project is menu driven, to cover most of the facilities present. ...
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